Friday Jam Nights

May 27, 2022 9:50 PM

It’s been a while, 

If I’m being honest, we have been busy teaching! Our little studio crossed the 100 student mark last month, cruising to 120 students currently enrolled for lessons!

With all the new students coming on board, we thought it was time to get our Friday night jam nights off the ground for good. 

So, over the course of the last few weeks we have had between 7-10 students showing up on Fridays making for some great jam groups. 

We run two rooms, one is structured, with students learning the same songs over the course of the week, then coming together to play those songs as a group on Friday evenings. Over the past 3 weeks we are pretty close to having 3 songs completed: The White Stripes “Seven Nation Army”, Red Hot Chili Peppers “Under the Bridge” and The Beach Boys “California Girls”, with a third Ed Sheeran’s “Photograph” getting close as well. We may be adding a Queen song, and a Nirvana song at our future jams.

The other room is more freestyle. The kids choose an instrument and may choose to either show each other songs they are working on, or just start playing and improvising over a chord progression or riff. 

So far, it’s been a huge success. We can’t say enough how cool it is to watch these kids work so hard on these songs. Just fantastic stuff. And they’re sounding really really good.

To us here at Modern Music Studio, we feel learning to play a musical instrument is much more than an indivdual pursuit. All of the teachers at our studio would agree. Playing music with others ought to be the goal of learning to play an instrument. The energy of connecting with each other rhythmically and tonally is something that is unmatched. 

Sports teams have coaches and clubs. Why shouldn’t young musicians have access to the same kind of opportunities? We see this as a way to build not just our students confidence and abilities, but also to build a community of musicians who seek out each other and help create a sustainable community of performers that will help through the good times and the bad. We’ve all seen how important artistic pursuits through the difficult times of these past couple of years. 

So, come on out to our jam night and see what we are cooking up. It’s so much more fun to play music with others.

Modern Music Studio

111 Toronto st. Barrie, Ontario


© Modern Music Studio 2021